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True North Movers Insurance Policy
Notice of Claim: Any claim or complaint must be submitted in written form via email within 60 days after the delivery of goods. Each claim must include pictures and a description of the damages and how they may have occurred. We promise to thoroughly investigate and resolve all claims within five business days, provided all applicable moving payments have been received. Please, note that it is illegal for customers to deduct money from their final bill to compensate themselves for perceived damages, and that should our movers have not been compensated for their services, we reserve the right to not answer or refuse to process a claim.
Unpack cabinets: It is customer’s responsibility to empty all items (cabinets, dressers, night stands, file cabinets, drawers etc) prior to movers’ arrival. Packed drawers, cabinets, armoires not only make the item heavier for the movers, it can also pose a danger with shifting content and damaging the unit. Most cabinets have lightweight construction and moving them full will bend the frame or can ruin the entire unit that it will likely be nonfunctional after the move. True North Movers Inc. will not accept liability for the furniture that was not emptied out or for the surfaces damaged as a result of the contents fallen out of such unit.
Simulated Wood Furniture: Our movers cannot be responsible for damage to simulated wood, particle board, or pressed board furniture. This type of material is structurally weak and is not repairable.
Electrical Goods: Our movers are not liable for internal damage to electronic goods if no external damage has been caused. Certain electronics may develop unavoidable faults no matter how carefully they are handled. Appliances: Movers cannot be responsible for dents or scratches on major appliances. Many of these are covered by a thin metal that is extremely vulnerable to dents and scratches. Items With Water: Freezers, refrigerators, waterbeds, aquariums, and the like must be emptied and drained prior to being moved.
Fragile Items: Dishware, porcelain, glasses, pictures, lamp shades, and other specialty items are not covered by our movers’ insurance unless packed by our professional movers using adequate packing materials. You are welcome to purchase your own packing materials (packing paper, bubble wrap, foam peanuts, cartons, tape, etc) and pack such items yourself prior to your move, and our movers will take great precaution to ensure they are transported as safely as possible, but they will not be insured.
Self-inspection: It is the customer’s responsibility, before signing their final receipt prior to the movers leaving, (i) to inspect their belongings to ensure they were delivered in good condition; and (ii) to inspect the truck’s interior to ensure that nothing has been left behind. Downtime: All downtime (waiting for elevators to be set up or arrive, for new keys to be delivered, traffic, customer inspecting their belongings upon delivery, etc.) is billable unless otherwise specified. Valuables: True North Movers shall not be responsible for loss or damage to bills, cheques, evidence of debt, letters of credit, passports, tickets, documents, manuscripts, notes, mechanical drawings, securities, currency, money, precious stones, jewelry, or other similar valuables. All customers take full responsibility for moving the above-mentioned valuables themselves. Risky Tasks: Our movers will not be held responsible for damage caused by non-routine moving practices, including but not limited to standing pieces on end, sharp turns, over-crowded work areas, crooked stairways, snags and sharp edges in work areas and doorways, passing items over balconies and railings, and tight squeezes.
You will be asked to sign a waiver if our movers agree to attempt any non-routine moving request. Unavoidable Damages: Weather-related damages, or damages occurring as the result of an item’s size in comparison to the width or height of a hallway, doorway, stairs, elevators or similar are not covered in any way. Our movers can still attempt to move the item in question should you desire but will not be responsible for any damages that may occur and will ask you to sign a waiver first. If at any time you then want the crew to stop, say so and they will. Absent Customers: We encourage our customers to remain with us throughout the entire move, not least because when we are moving items such as furniture you can then point out any scratches, marks, or dents that we may have missed, or vice versa. If for whatever reason you are not available during your move, or if you need to leave during your move, we will need you to sign a release acknowledging that you accept all of the items in the condition that we bring them to you. Under these circumstances, we will not be responsible for any missing or damaged items, nor will we be held responsible for any items that were not moved. Loss of Value:
Our insurance does not cover any loss of value due to damage and subsequent repairs. Limits of Liability: (i) We are liable only for the damaged or lost part(s) or piece(s) of a complete set or unit. We may accept liability for the whole set or unit if due to a damaged part or piece thereof the whole set or unit lost its usability and functionality. (ii) Our liability is limited to up to $100.00 for damages to floors, walls, doors, and painted surfaces. A discretionary compensation (in rare case of a severe damage) is exclusively the right of True North Movers Inc. and will not exceed 50% of the final bill of the move. No Liability: Our company assumes no liability whatsoever should the client or others assist or interfere in any aspect of moving. TRUE NORTH MOVERS INC. DISCLAIMER We do not guarantee the assembly of any new item or items that remain in their original boxes. It is recommended that you consult a company that specializes in assembly services for such items. Due to liability concerns, we cannot provide assembling or disassembling services for cribs, water beds, tanning beds, gas appliances, pool tables, or pianos. If you have questions about a specific furniture item, please contact us.
We cannot mount flat screen TV on a wall or remove TVs from a wall mount. Nor can we bolt or unbolt items from walls or ceilings. We do not connect or disconnect washing machines, drying machines, dishwashers, freezers, fridges. All appliances must be disconnected and drained prior to our movers’ arrival. Please note, according to Workers Compensation and employee safety issues, all of our movers must wear shoes at all times True North Movers Inc. cannot be held responsible for soiled carpets or floors due to inclement weather. BASIC PROTECTION AND ENHANCED VALUE PROTECTION Basic Value Protection: Your belongings are covered to a value of $0.60 per pound per article. This means you will be paid 60 cents per pound for the net weight of the lost or damaged item, regardless of the actual value of the item.
Boxed Items: All boxed items are considered the client/owner’s responsibility. The condition of any item(s) packed by the customer/owner prior to moving is not covered by True North Movers Inc., unless there is clear proof that our movers have caused physical damage to the box itself. It is also the customer’s responsibility to inspect all boxes for physical damage upon their delivery prior to the movers’ departure. True North Movers will not accept any claims of physical damage to boxes after its movers have left their assignment’s delivery location.
For example: a 100 lbs item is valued at $60. Max. Value: $5000 Deductible: zero Cost to You: no cost. included by default in your quote. Enhanced Value Protection: Your belongings are covered to a value of 60% of the total value of the item. This means you will be paid 60% of the Repair or replacement cost (whichever is less), based on an approximate or detailed value of the item. For example: an item valued at $100.00 would receive up to $60.00 in replacement or repair costs. Max. Value: $5000.00 Deductible: $100.00 Cost to You: $250.00
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